1. marc2003

    Paris Olympics 2024

    There's been some red hot athletics the last few months, I can't wait for this. :D But I'm absolutely gutted that Katie Archibald is out injured. :( https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cycling/articles/cj556zqy6n1o Her smashing the madison with Laura Kenny was one of the best moments of Tokyo. :cool...
  2. Quartz

    The Budget 2024 thread

    How is today's Budget going to affect you? It's not going to affect me much at all either way. I'm retired so I don't pay National Insurance. I don't trade property. I do take the occasional business-class trip - once every few years - so will pay more there. I might benefit from the £5K ISA...
  3. Jan Mathiesen

    IoM TT 2024

    Don't be fooled, if you have not yet been- it's a trip. After years and years of taunting by other family members who used to go annually back in the late 70's and early 80's I was beginning to think it was one of those things 'other people somehow do' but not me. I was genuinely beginning to...
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