
  1. Soulless Daedra

    Hyundai Getz 2003 Pinch Bolt

    I am not sure if anyone can help me. Because I cannot even help myself and the car is so old. I was wondering if anyone knew what type of pinch bolt the Hyundai Getz 2003 needs as my steering is completely gone and I am 100 miles away from my car at the moment. If anyone could aid in my search...
  2. Gibbo

    HOPEFULLY LESS THAN A YEAR WAIT: New 2018 (MY18) S550.2 Mustang V8 10-speed ordered

    Making a dedicated thread out of the show us your car thread so any questions anyone has or comments can be here. :) Once it arrives I shall update this original post with some delivery pictures, then some modded pictures etc. Well I've being planning a new car purchase for an MY18 Mustang for...
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