
  1. phatz

    brsk SIP VOIP details?

    Hi, apologies if this needs further info but not sure where to look. I have joined brsk - awesome and rock solid! I have signed up for their voip package as well. However cannot find anything detailing the SID information needed to get it connected when not using their router - I have a rog...
  2. Richyg321!

    Access Point Deco BE65

    Hi all, I am very new to AP and wanted to do it as I have wired points in the house and heard it may be better than using the new TP Link Mesh system in Mesh mode. I have three of these TP Link BE65 routers/nodes. I connected the first one direct to the modem and switched it to AP. Nothing would...
  3. Richyg321!

    BRSK Packet loss

    Hi all. first post. I was with Virgin, telewest etc for 24 years or so but wanted a isp with parity on DL and UL. So chose BRSK and it was cheaper on the 1gig. For the first few months it appeared ok. Then when we started working at home we have had drop outs on Teams and Voip which made it in...
  4. onangelswings

    BRSK - Moderate Nat, laptop and pc on same network

    So i have had BRSK for over a year now, me and my partner play the call of duty games online together, however we have run into a problem, we both have moderate NAT, port forwarding doesnt seem to help at all, we have a static ip from BRSK, now the company wont support ourselves as we have...
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