call of duty

  1. onangelswings

    BRSK - Moderate Nat, laptop and pc on same network

    So i have had BRSK for over a year now, me and my partner play the call of duty games online together, however we have run into a problem, we both have moderate NAT, port forwarding doesnt seem to help at all, we have a static ip from BRSK, now the company wont support ourselves as we have...
  2. Banzai_Joe

    Need help finding game purchase

    Hey all, So here it is, i want to re-play COD: MW and MWII (the recent ones). Now I’ve obviously bought them because I’ve played them, but for the life of me I cannot find any emails going back enough time that detail a purchase, nor can I find them in any of my game libraries; steam, uplay...
  3. RoidyRedRum

    Guidance for PC upgrade for gaming

    Hi all, This is my first time looking at upgrading my PC which is around 10 years old!! The system was originally purchased for graphic design and video work with some occasional gaming. It's pretty much been retired for the last few years as I moved to Apple for my work needs. I originally...
  4. Stein

    Buying a gaming PC

    I’m wondering if anybody can help me... I’m debating whether to buy a gaming pc or a PS5. I have a 144Hz, 1080p gaming monitor so if I was to buy a PC I’d want one that could run Warzone at ~ 144 FPS. If anybody has any recommendations of pre-built, good quality pc’s with that type of...
  5. merlin6r

    Black Ops Cold War Open Beta

    So the Black Ops Cold War Beta is open to all from 6pm tonight, no need to pre-order, can preload now. Anyone fancy teaming up with a couple of us for some team play? We're all over 30, so adults only. We have a discord server for team chat, or we could use in game chat. Any skill level...
  6. Mgn

    Gaming PC Purchase HELP and ADVICE

    Sorry I don’t know if I am asking the right forum. I have no clue about gaming PCs at all, but my 10 year old son is looking for a gaming PC for his Christmas. I am not looking at spending an absolute fortune, but he wants something that is powerful enough to play things like Fortnite and Call...
  7. Disco_P

    Call of Duty 17: Black Ops Cold War

    Came Out 13 November 2020. Teaser: Reveal: Launch: PC Features:
  8. kathsantiago

    Motherboard for COD & editiing

    Looking to start building a PC and just wondering what everyone's opinion on what motherboard to pick for money and spec. I mostly play games like Call of Duty or Runescape and then will often use for general use or work (video or photo editing). Don't want to spend loads on a motherboard but...
  9. Bone9

    What do you think is causing this problem guys?

    Hi PC spec is in my sig. I'm having an issue with Call of Duty Warzone and every now and then in certain places I get a red, white and sometimes green flashing over a large portion of the screen. My FPS ranges from 70 odd to 120. I'm overclocked but have never seen this issue in any other game...
  10. MrAidanPreston

    Games Crashing/Closing - Please Help Me

    Hello All, I am having a really strange issue with my computer when loading into games, first let me detail my specifications. CPU: i7 7770k @ 4.8Ghz RAM: 16GB 3200Mhz Corsair DDR4 GFX: Gtx 1070 8gb PSU: 800w (I think?) HDD: 3 x 240gb SSD My problem: I primarily started noticing this issue...
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