
  1. Boo_OS

    How important are Cuda Cores for building a PC intended for media creation?

    Hi there, I'm looking to upgrade my GPU, my PC is a mid tier workstation intended for Adobe Suite and 3D modelling. I've always been an Nvidia user but due to multiple issues with two cards now due to faulty memory, lack of VRam, and buggy utilities, I've been considering taking the leap to...
  2. Quartz

    Big / Little cores, Windows 10/11 and AMD

    Intel is going down the big + little core path; AMD is not, at least with Ryzen 7000. Windows 10 cannot differentiate between the types of cores. So I think Ryzen 7000 CPUs be preferred by Windows 10 users. If I had a tinfoil hat I might wonder how much AMD was paying Microsoft to keep this...
  3. Jacolla

    Do you know why?

    Hi there, this is my first post and i'm not sure if i should do a presentation or something, sooo... here we go. Well I have an i5 2500k... yehh a good beast, 4 cores & 4 threads, with a little oc to 5gh, man it works pretty good, i've been looking and more or less it can play with some ryzens...
  4. Disk_wizard_Chris

    Computer hicups, when trying to run multilple programs or watch streams

    hey guys before i overclocked i didnt have any issues but all of the "stock overclocking settings" were driving the voltages upto like 1.48 so i decided to take the time turn off all the automated stuff and i have a stable clock of 5ghz at 1.31 with LLC of 4 (pulls down to 1.28v under full load)...
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