dead psu

  1. JLV

    How/why would a PSU would catch fire/short whilst PC is powered off?

    Hello all! So, as the title says, had a rather interesting experience a few days ago. Had some time off last week, came back from hols after being away about 4 days or so, as is normal I kill the power to most things in the house whilst away(I assume this is normal!), anyway, Friday AM I spend...
  2. biorhythmic

    Whilsting noise coming from PC, dying PSU?

    I can't really tell what it is. I've stopped the GPU fans, CPU fan and case fans momentarily which has led me to believe that the PSU is making a whistling noise. It's unbearable tbh. Vid. Specs: i7 9700k RTX 3070 32GB DDR4 Evga 650w GQ Gold MSI MPG Pro gaming carbon ac
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