
  1. Yella Fella

    Drone lending?

    Note my friend has a full licence to fly heavier drones though needed a light one to do some testing. I have the Mini 4 Pro. My question is, as the controller is logged on to my account (bought from new). Do I hand over the package of controller and drone with my account logged in. Or do I need...
  2. Marktheman

    Drone crash - investigation

    I have just been trying out a new Holy Stone - HS510 drone. I hovered at 50m, I was turning 360 and recording. Then all of a sudden the drone shot off at speed and descended quickly crashing into a neighbouring garden. I knocked on doors but there was no signal and no sign of the drone anywhere...
  3. UberTiger

    New DJI Keynote and Drones - Mavic 2 Pro and Mavic 2 Zoom released

    Keynote: Promo Vid: :D
  4. RomanNose

    Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

    Inspired from the single rotor thread and RC plane thread. I have decided to make a multiroter thread. Many people already know that I am in the process of building a quadcopter. So far I have finished the frame with help from my dad and others. Now I am just pondering over the electronics...
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