flight sim

  1. Bob9395

    Flight Sim: Monitor recommendation please

    Hi all I recently bought a Refract Gaming Indigo PC that I use to run my flight sim software (MSFS 2020 & Xplane 12) using my Mac Book for all my other needed. The Refract Indigo runs an Nvidea 4080 and I am looking recommendations for a a monitor that would compliment my ‘flight sim’ only...
  2. gunned

    Flight sim VR GPU advice

    I’m trying to use Microsoft Flight Simulator in VR with Oculus Quest 2 connected to PC by cable. The PC is one I built myself (and I’m the last person on Earth who should be building PCs) When it runs I love it. But I think my graphics card is letting me down and the framerate is poor and it...
  3. zebra1101

    PC for Flight sim/fifa/PUBG

    Hello! Looking for something that can run Flight sim/fifa/PUBG for a non-serious gamer. Is the below suitable for this or does flight sim need something like the latter? I've never been a gamer but wfh provides a bit more time then before. Really appreciate the help...
  4. Cadder

    MS Flight Simulator 2020 - Vive - GTX 1060?

    Hi all, Just a quick one to ask if anyone has tried MS Flight Simulator 2020 in VR using a GTX 1060 or lower spec GPU? It's to run on the ASUS TUF FX504GM laptop. If it doesn't, is there much scope to upgrade the GPU in the laptop?
  5. lowflier

    budget pc for fs2020

    hi there i am looking for a "budget" pc for my old man to play on the fs2020. budget around £1K. Have looked at overclockers and others for example **No Competitors !** at this price bracket it seems to be an i5 or a ryzen 5, 16Gbyte is pretty much needed for fs2020 and an m2 ssd would be very...
  6. Alex of Smeg

    Upgrade for Flight Simulator. Advice wanted

    I have a low end PC and recently bought Flight Simulator. As expected it doesn't run great. It's playable on low settings but the scenery etc is dreadful and the GPU is running at close to 100% most of the time, CPU around 80%. I have very limited knowledge so excuse me if any of these...
  7. Soya

    The 'Official' Screenshot/Videos & Tips thread for MSFS 2020 enthusiasts & flight simmers.

    Greetings fellow simmers & flight enthusiasts, I created a similar thread many years ago for FSX screenshots & tips and it was suggested to me I should see if there is enough interest in setting up a similar thread but for the newest Flight Sim, MSFS 2020: 1) Screenshots, LIMIT of 10 shots per...
  8. martyn83

    MS Flight Simulator 2020 Build...

    Hi, Is anyone out there able to give me a hand with what to use in a build for Flight Sim 2020 which is going to be with us soon. I have not built a PC before and the last one I had made for me was aimed at Flight Sim X many years ago. Budget wise would be £2000 although I will need a monitor...
  9. lurkio

    **** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

    So MS have decided to get back into flight simulations Comparison of versions Out now
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