
  1. ik9000

    Digital Trade proposal - what do you make of it?

    Is this proposed digital trade proposal the start of watering down GDPR under the guise of trade, or will it really "enhance" things? tougher IPO - so a crackdown on streaming? surely not possible now? What is this actually trying to change/achieve...
  2. AHarvey

    Outlook plugin - limit to BCC for multiple domain emails

    Hi, We often have issues where we may need to send important emails to several clients at the same time, this is normally due to a technical issue and although everyone is told to use BCC it often gets forgotten during the madness of a severe incident. Does anyone know of a plugin that throws...
  3. Guest2

    GDPR madness

    I am in the process of purchasing a house and due to new GDPR laws, I have to show 3 months accounts history for the person I am receiving a gift from. To me (and person gifting money) this seems very invasive and the complete opposite of data protection laws. 3 months of bank statement will...
  4. stockhausen

    GDPR phishing scam

    Ever since the EU's General Data Protection Regulations came in I receive a couple of scam emails every day along the following lines: There is no indication as to what useless service I should unsubscribe from and as it happens I just delete them without opening but I do wonder how many people...
  5. b0rn2sk8

    GDPR - The first complaints are in!!

    Well that didn't take long.... Google, Facebook, WhatsApp and Instragram all face complaints because you have to opt in to data collection and targeted advertising to use the service. To be honest, if you want to use those services for free then its...
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