green screen

  1. Robbie_G


    Hi, Overclockers UK welcomes a new brand offering you an affordable way of streaming with quality products without breaking the bank. Streamplify is now available to get you going whether you are streaming your gameplay or video blogging. Streamplify is a brand born from the desire to simplify...
  2. galwaydave

    RX 5700 MSI Gaming X - Green Screen Crash and reboot.

    Hi folks, So just picked up my new RX 5700 last week and on 3 occasions in the last 2 days I've had a Green Screen crash and this then reboots the system without any error messages or details as to what caused the crash. Each time it has happened when just starting to Game. I'm running Radeon...
  3. slim01

    New PC boots to windows green screen, only on HDMI gtx780

    Hey guys. Picked up a used system recently but having issues getting into windows, with HDMI... Everything is normal up until after entering windows - Circular windows 'loading' symbol after win10 logo, then BAM... Green screen, but only does this over HDMI out on the gtx780. -System still...
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