
  1. gimmock25

    What does "final class" mean in Java?

    I'm studying a Java book, and it indicates that you may define the entire class as final. I can't think of anything I'd use this for. I'm new to programming and I'm curious whether programmers actually utilise this in their code. If they do, when do they utilise it so that I can better grasp it...
  2. gimmock25

    Is the immutability of Strings taken into account in the Java implementation of String.format()?

    hi i am new to this forum and i have a question- Strings in Java are immutable, So I've always concatenated them using StringBuilder or StringBuffer. Is the String.format() function as capable as StringBuilder or StringBuffer in this regard? To put it another way, does String.format() handle...
  3. kisserik93

    Best java IDE

    Hi! What do you think, what is the best java IDE? Thank you
  4. tesla777

    What's the best way to get into programming?

    So I'd like to learn programming by myself and work in the field later on but currently my knowledge and experience in programming is very close to zero. I'm 33 years old, not sure how much age matters at job applications. What would be the programming language or languages that I should study...
  5. softwaresimian

    9700K / 2700X - Any software development benchmarks ?

    I'm looking to replace my software development box (4790K based) as its starting to struggle while running an IDE with test and analysis tools. Scala tools seems to be designed to eat CPU cycles ! I've looked around but most benchmarks I've found seem aimed at gaming / office / synthetic type...
  6. lawrence281

    How do I create a “restful web service” for current weather using an API?

    I’ve found a website that gives unique API key’s to their data. I’m trying to create a simple web service in netbeans using java, any insight on how to go about this and get a good start. is fine, just need guidance in the right direction. I'm fairly new to...
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