
  1. Quartz

    Is there an Android landline phone?

    I'm looking for a landline phone that will sync its address book with Google Contacts and make them easily available. I'm sure there will be other useful features but that's the big one. Google throws up all sorts of stuff on AliExpress/Alibaba but few over here. And it's got to be a landline...
  2. MrBlobby

    FTTP Broadband

    If you have FTTP Broadband can you have two phone line running off it with different numbers. I suppose its a question for the ISP but FTTP isn't quite ready where I live :) Thanks :)
  3. SkidMarkKing

    Virtual Phone Number

    Hi guys, I'm looking to buy a virtual local phone number, it will be used on my mobile phone only, no physical dedicated phone. Can you recommend any companies? I've seen offer one for £5.95 a month allowing me to select a phone number with my local area code. The only...
  4. Mina93

    Can I convert this line to ethernet?

    I just moved into a new property. It has an ethernet connection in the wall upstairs, but no ethernet connection in the walls anywhere downstairs. So I was wondering, can I convert this line to an ethernet one? Please see the links attached for the pictures. I couldn't imbed the pictures...
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