
  1. Werewolf

    ~~~~~ ******** Christmas Logo Competition ******** ~~~~~

    All, Every year, the OcUK forums celebrate Christmas by replacing the logo at the top with a Christmas pudding and giving the smilies festive hats. With the upgrade of the forum software last year, it became clear that the pud was starting to show its age. We think it's time to replace the...
  2. Whotton

    asus turbo geforce GTX 1080 ti "customisable logo"

    Hi OCuk, I've purchased an asus turbo geforce gtx 1080ti for my new build and im hoping someone can shed some light on what it is they mean by "customisable backlit logo" Is this essentially just a sticker that I can remove and replace with another sticker? If so does anyone know where I can...
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