
  1. FredFlint

    What are you coding?

    Hi, Are you working on anything good? I have not had much work lately so have been doing some learning projects. Path Tracer <C++, Vulkan>: Found a nice YouTube series https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlrATfBNZ98edc5GshdBtREv5asFW3yXl Have extended the code to add: triangles, textures...
  2. Karl

    Spec me a .NET developer laptop

    Hi! I've currently got a Macbook pro 2017 which has reached the end of its shelf life, and I need a new laptop for work. I don't want to use virtualisation anymore like I did with my Macbook, as I do a lot of Windows dev, so I'd like a Windows machine. It would probably be connected to an...
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