
  1. Delvis

    Patio advice for cleaning/treating: Limestone

    Hi all, I've got a limestone patio paid and wondered if anyone else has dealt with the same at all? Need to clean it up, seal it and point it. Obviously I want to get rid of any staining or mortar residue, so any advice is appreciated if you've wirk do with limestone :) Thanks
  2. john_smith

    Garden rebuild.

    :) I'm attempting to "sort the gareden" out this year. We have a sloped garden that leads itself towards 3 tiers / terraces. I want to seperate these with walls. The largest will be on the tyop boundry that's 25m long and i'll have it about 1m high. Other walls will be smaller, i'd like to...
  3. Delvis

    Circular saw quick check....

    Hi all, Going to be doing a lot of wood cutting and eventually cutting patio slabs, seeing as I'm already partially in the Worx eco-system, do you think this plus diamoned blade will be sufficient for cutting slabs...
  4. Ifu01307

    Concrete base or not???

    Hi, I’m looking to lay outdoor porcelain tiles (1200 x 600, 20mm thick) and have had differing opinions on how to do it. Several builders and a tiler have told me it must be on a concrete base however others have said that, unless tiles will be bearing a heavy load (vehicles driven over them)...
  5. bettz

    Patio Pointing Advice

    I'm going to try and lay some grey Indian sandstone slabs next week with my dad and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good jointing compound? Dad thinks we should use a 4:1 mix but we want the colour grey do people use dye's? I was going to order some geo-fix mix and just brush it in...
  6. Kayhay

    Garden drainage issue/help

    Hi I need some input in regards to a garden issue. We had our patio laid down. Now there seems to be rain water coming towards our house. It should have been draining away from it. But the way the workers laid down the patio it’s all uneven and the water isn’t flowing where it should be...
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