
  1. SkyTerran

    Invest in shares using PayPal balance?

    Sold my car for 6600 quid and the buyer paid the money from his PayPal account into mine. I had a savings bank account linked to my PayPal account and so I immediately transferred 5000 into my bank. PayPal didn't like that and locked both the transfer and the account. After a couple months of...
  2. Quartz

    Cablemod 12VHPWR adapter recall

    I've just received the official Cablemod email on their adapter recall. They are offering in-store credit or a cash refund but the latter only if you have a Paypal account. I do not use Paypal. Thus I am more than a little unhappy. I paid by credit card so I wonder if pressure can be applied...
  3. goldy6660

    Scammed on PayPal/Shpock

    So... recently thought I was getting a very slight bargain from a random seller on Shpock for a 2080ti second hand, or at least I thought I had. I actually received a big pile of paper...yep proper scammed. The guy had couriered me a massive pile of paper, presumably for the postage thing for...
  4. ic1male

    PayPal credit of 1p but I don't use it!

    9th March I had a deposit of £0.01 with a 4 digit code in my bank account. Does this mean someone else has linked my bank account to their PayPal? I haven't used it recently. I even closed my account in 2015. Should I be worried and get my bank involved? EDIT: Spoke to bank, cancelled...
  5. mrk

    My first eBay thread

    Well, this is something I never thought I'd be posting! Earlier today I received three emails thanking me for some eBay purchases. I initially thought they were scam emails, as they usually are, the "click link x to vie order details" sort But the source and emails were in fact genuine. I...
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