red light

  1. tacticalx86

    Accidentally went through red light

    A roundabout with part tiem signals. I go through the first once they change to green, but then I think the next lot was a lot closer than I thought and I wrongly must have thought (only explanation) these lights were facing towards another set of slip roads. There were no cars going when I went...
  2. AverageDriver

    Running red light

    I approached temp traffic lights today on the way home as road works had just been set up. We'd waited for about 5 minutes or more with no sign of the light changing yet traffic kept coming our way. Once the coast was clear the 5 cars infront of me went through the red light so I followed...
  3. Verkai

    Red light issue on my motherboard (have no clue, please help!)

    I have an issue that needs fixing asap cause it's stressing me the hell out, ALSO keep it mind I just build this PC today using youtube tutorials but it still managed to take me 7 hours, so i have NO idea about anything tbh... ( please try to use simple language :( ) So the issue is, when i...
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