rtx 3090 founders edition

  1. BlueDragon94

    RTX 3090 FE scores lower than reviews

    Hi All, So I recently finished my build and got some time yesterday to play around with my PC. I noticed right out of the box, my RTX 3090 FE was underperforming compared to the benchmarks/scores people have posted to forums. Here my PC specs: CPU: Ryzen 5900X (Stock) Cooler: NZXT X63...
  2. Shonk

    Shonk's Log

    I ended up replacing a load of stuff in oct/nov 20 so if you just want to see the final form Jump Straight to Final Build Images Here https://www.overclockers.co.uk/forums/threads/shonks-log.18871071/#post-34265562 I started upgrading my I7 3770/R9 290 PC in November 2018 And just finished...
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