star trek

  1. JRS

    Paramount announces new Star Trek film release date

    No other details at this time. Really hoping it's not more of the JJTrek 'verse, but I'd take that over anything to do with STD...
  2. juno_first

    Netflix 4k licence for Star Trek Discovery

    Last week on 25th Sep. Star Trek Discovery Premierd in 4k HDR/DV in the UK. This week on 2nd Oct it's limited to 1080p HDR/DV. I called Netflix & they said they don't have a licence to stream the Netflix show in 4k, something about the producers & they didn't know when they can get a 4k license...
  3. Devrij

    Star Trek Bridge Crew

    May 30th release. Anybody else quite excited for it? I'm thinking this might be the game that gets me to buy touch controllers, because it just looks awesome. Dat original bridge! Obviously I'll wait for reviews first, but it ticks all the boxes for me: seated experience with no motion...
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