
  1. 14bwells

    Used laptop

    Hi guys just wanted a bit of advice. I am looking for a new laptop and was wondering if someone could have a check over too see if this looks okay. I am looking to do some mild gaming but not much. Speedy web browsing etc. Thanks Ben Here are some specs: Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon UltraBook...
  2. Enfield

    Laptop CPU Speed Throttling & Battery Charging

    Hi All, I have a Lenovo ThinkPad E540 with an I7 4702MQ (it came with an i5). I have a problem whereby the laptop sometimes doesn't charge the battery and when it does (after I unplug the power lead and plug it back in again), the CPU is throttled to 0.79Ghz. I would add that the same problem...
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