
  1. Quartz

    [facts only] do you think Trump was the the least corrupt president?

    My nephew claimed today at lunch that Trump's presidency was less corrupt than previous presidents because he couldn't see past enriching himself. Whereas previous presidents gave big contracts to big donors etc, Trump didn't, or at least nowhere to the same extent. Is this factually correct...
  2. FoxEye

    Anyone else fed up of mass-produced, disposable carp?

    Modern life: "You can have a lot of stuff, as much stuff as you want.*" "*Most of it will be cheap and nasty, barely fit for purpose and will fall apart within a few months." I don't know about you, but I'd rather have less stuff - better quality, made to last. I'd also end up throwing less...
  3. h4rm0ny

    Trump destroyed my marriage.

    Idly relaxing on a Saturday afternoon, an article by a divorce attorney crossed my view. Currently I'm in the disbelief phase. I suspect shortly I'll enter the despair phase. I thought I'd post it before I hang myself in the hopes I come back as a chimp or anything other than a human being next...
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