
  1. Nicolaj

    Underperforming 3080 OC - Please help

    I just bought a Asus Strix 3080 OC - And was curios why it underperformed, I then found out it was because of low GPU usage. Below is some of the things i tried to fix it without luck.. - DDU´ed and reinstalled newest driver - Installed MSI afterburner set power limit to max - Core 60+ Mem 200+...
  2. BlueDragon94

    RTX 3090 FE scores lower than reviews

    Hi All, So I recently finished my build and got some time yesterday to play around with my PC. I noticed right out of the box, my RTX 3090 FE was underperforming compared to the benchmarks/scores people have posted to forums. Here my PC specs: CPU: Ryzen 5900X (Stock) Cooler: NZXT X63...
  3. LukiGi

    Performance lower then expected

    Hi, I've built my first PC, and while it works, after running PassMark software and comparing results to both the world score and my mate's (who both the same components) my machine seems to be under-performing on every single test. Here is exactly what I'm talking about: CPU MARK (Ryzen 7...
  4. Radament

    New Gaming PC Under-performing - please help me pin-point the issue!

    Hi everyone! To start off I just want to say by all means I'm not an expert, more of a hobbyist when it comes down to PC's. Everything I know I just google. After three years of savings I went big (for my budget) and bought parts for a gaming rig I always wished for. I also have a small youtube...
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