unreal engine

  1. distinctsamefellow

    What Spatial & Biometrics Software are you using for your VR apps?

    Hey everyone I came across Cognitive3D thanks to a talk from AWE 2023. I'm extremely curious about these new VR software that allow to track and replay user pathing as well as other biometrics. I'm pretty sure the are more out there and per the talk this one seems to care about privacy. But has...
  2. HeraldJr


    This short showcases an unannounced game environment and what we can do as immersive filmmakers. Some of the environment pieces I modeled and textured, and some I did photogrammetry by using "Sony A7r ii". and the rest of the foliage and cliffs from Megascans Library. The only post I have done...
  3. Benjamin86

    Mobile game development

    Hello is there any one on here from the ukWest Midlands kind of area and trying to get in to the mobile game development and are learning the engine. Trying to find like minded people that might want to team up to learn or even develop something together. If so pm me. Also don't have to be so...
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