
  1. GamingSheep

    SKY Fiber + Draytek Vigor 130 + USG 3P Help?

    So i just decided to unifi my home using a draytek modem the vigor 130 i've set up all the unifi gear and got all that working using my ISP combo unit and now that i want to switch over to my new modem (Vigor 130) im a little stuck, For refrence im with SKY so i heard its abit trickey im also...
  2. Quartz

    Draytek Vigor 2860 upgrade PSA

    There's a new firmware update (3.88) available to fix the latest vulnerability. Unfortunately, if you check for updates within the router, it will list four, none of which work with BT Infinity. You need to go to the UK website and download the BT update. Yes, I did find this out the hard way.
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