
  1. phatz

    brsk SIP VOIP details?

    Hi, apologies if this needs further info but not sure where to look. I have joined brsk - awesome and rock solid! I have signed up for their voip package as well. However cannot find anything detailing the SID information needed to get it connected when not using their router - I have a rog...
  2. AnotherBigAl

    [SOLVED] Extend VOIP range

    Hi all. This is my first post here. I use Zen as my ISP and they have supplied me with a Fritzbox 7530 router to run with my full fibre 900 connection. It is situated right next to the BTONT in my office. My house, some 20 or so yards away is old and has stone walls around 3 feet thick so...
  3. Fishman

    FTTP with VOIP and phone recommendations

    Hi all, Thinking about the switch over to FTTP I have been reading up a bit on VOIP. I hope to be able to sign up for FTTP and run that in parallel with my FTTC with talk talk and then port my phone number to sipgate basic (which should cancel the FTTC) I have managed to get a sipgate basic...
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