0800 numbers from the iPhone...

21 Oct 2008
Mooching... in your house
does anyone know if theres anything you can do to make the iphone call 0800 numbers properly?

whenever i call one, it says numbers aren't free from a mobile phone please redial without the first 0 - this is a pain in the arse as you can't "edit" a number dynamically before you call so you either have to change the actual phone book entry (which i don't want to have to do as the iphone isn't the only thing that uses these numbers) or try and remember it and type it in manually - this is also really crap...

I'm quite happy to accept its not free, but just the warning message without the need to redial would be sufficient... is this o2's fault maybe?

oh ok :( - how crap - while reading up on this it also says calls to 0800 numbers aren't included in your minutes and are actually quite expensive to call!

crazy talk!
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