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1.1ns RAM on X1900 boards



12 Jul 2005
Well it seems like even the slightly lower clocked XT benefits from 1.1ns RAM on X1900 boards released by ATI today. This should mean they clock like a demon (1800MHz approx), but having such lower default clocks that could are even within spec of 1.2ns RAM got me wondering as to why ATI have done this. Then I came up with a theory.

Look at it this way - You are ATI, it's November and the big green monster has just stolen the fastest gfx card title from you after only a month or so. You can't beat them on speed, but knowing you have a new product out in a couple of months you could buy up all the stocks of Samsung's 1.1ns RAM for yourself. This does two things - 1) It gives you options yourself on speed for your new R580 product, but more importantly 2) It means that nVidia can't ship it's flagship card, and said card quickly slips into vapourware.

One review site has mentioned today that the XT has this RAM, '....for now' with a strong suggestion that later boards will revert to 1.2ns RAM. Indeed, now R580 and X1900 is at the top of the tree the job is done. It doesn't matter that 512MB GTX's are available again. Or am I the only one who finds it all a bit coincidental that the green card is only back in stock at the same time as X1900 launches?

Conspiracy theories. Donchya just love 'em!

Or maybe they just wacked it on the first batch of boards to keep the reviewers happy / give good product image?
Well got no idea about conspiracy theory but i can confirm that my x1900 XT has 1.1 ns ram on it.

I'll post a pic if ppl dont believe me.
So the X1900's ram clocks to 1800Mhz? can't see why ATi didn't run it at 1800Mhz out of the box if thats the case , unless they want the X1900 to have great o'cing capibilitys so they can attract that market who knows.
Rex-Kramer said:
Well got no idea about conspiracy theory but i can confirm that my x1900 XT has 1.1 ns ram on it.

I'll post a pic if ppl dont believe me.

Early reports are suggesting that the XTX comes with 1.1ns also. :D
What confuses me is, if they are using 1.1ns ram, then why have all the reviews Ive read had sucky overclocks on the core and the ram? like from 750 to 770 or something.
Goksly said:
What confuses me is, if they are using 1.1ns ram, then why have all the reviews Ive read had sucky overclocks on the core and the ram? like from 750 to 770 or something.

I suppose one possibility is that if they're running under clock on the RAM then they may have really tight timings, so possibly that's why they're not clocking that well...

Or they've picked up a load of RAM cheap that couldn't run at spec from the fab. :D

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