1/2 multipliers on A64

It's not a bad thing as such, it's just that it affects the memory divider.

For example, if your are running a 200*10.5 (2100mhz), then your memory is going to be running at 2100/11 (190mhz) rather than 2100/10.5 (200mhz). It always rounds up when dividing the CPU clock speed to get memory speed.

So long as you're aware of this and adjust your settings accordingly it is ok. It can come in useful sometimes when attempting to max out both CPU and RAM.
There's no real problem with using 1/2 multipliers, you just need to be aware that it's actually a fudge. Essentially when you use a 1/2 multiplier the motherboard simulates it by changing the FSB a bit to give you the extra bit of CPU speed. The problem arises when your memory which was previously stable on a whole multiplier at 250MHz, now isn't becuase though the FSB is set at 250MHz it could actually be a bit higher.

It's best sticking to whole numbers and memory dividers.

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