1 in 4 Gen Z Brits own a retro gaming console.

I do wonder how many are things like PS2's that people just haven't thrown out ;)

I should have (off the top of my head) 2 SNES consoles with controllers, bazooka and mouse somewhere, a Sega Saturn (JP) with a couple of controllers and a bunch of mainly fighting games, a GameCube, Wiil, Lynx, Gameboy original, and DS.
No idea where half of them are, but know they're in boxes and I found my metal box that held my SNES games in the loft the other month, along with a big binbag full of the boxes etc.
There’s also Gen X / millennials who first grew up with these machines will have raised their children on them. So it kind of makes sense that there’s a love of these machines in Gen z.

Plus like with TCGs , there’s plenty of social media folk collecting retro, which impacts Gen z too
I still have an OG Xbox in the loft. Must have used it about 3 times as it was bought on the whimsiest of whims off a relative of an ex-gf. I've been reading recently about the battery in the OG Xbox being a ticking time bomb in terms of leaking, but I simply can't be arsed to go up there to check it and remove it. So I am expecting a scene like in the film Alien, when acid starts burning its way through the ceiling, ay any point. That ex-gf also still has my PS2, never getting that back. PSP still in its drawer of course. Will get that out for its 5-yearly fiddle in another 4.5 years I reckon.
My stuff is mainly stuff I didn't throw out, sell or hasn't broken. My Xecuter 2 chipped OG XBOX has had a few mods to it now like a 2TB HDD, HDMI converter and removed clock capacitor, but will probs call it a day there.

I've still got a PS Vita I barely play that I bought 10 years ago when it was already retro, an old Pi model B I couldn't work out a use for, so that exists purely for retro games, and a Myoo Mini. It's more a case of not chucking out than it is consciously buying more retro stuff, I think.
Really depends what your definition of retro is doesn't it

Is "retro" an Atari Jaguar or a PlayStation 3???
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People need to stop thinking of Gez Z as literal children, statistically 2/3rds of them are adults with the oldest pushing 30. They grew up with these 'retro' consoles.
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