1 year of Macbook Pro ownership - my impressions

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
This time last year I somehow managed to persuade my boss that I needed a new laptop, and since we had to spend our work budget fast, he said yes, so I ordered a nice MacBook Pro 15" avec 2Gb of RAM. Initial impression was simply "wow!". But after 12 months of ownership I think I can summarise:

1) Best thing is is that it still looks awesome. I know that may sound shallow, but I still look at my laptop and think "wow, that's a nice looking bit of kit". My old PC laptop looked clunky and out of date within 3 months. Even after seeing the Macbook Air, I still think the MacBook Pro is the best looking laptop out there. With the PC laptop I was always seeing better laptops and thinking "Damn I should have waited a couple of months". Even now with the slightly upgraded MacBook Pros I'm still more than chuffed with my purchase.

2) I love how I can run all my applications at the same time and move effortlessly between them without any slowdown. Only time it slows down vaguely is if I have something like Lightroom, Photoshop, Mac Office, Firefox and a few other things open at the same time. 4Gb upgrade should sort that though :p

3) I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's just such a pleasant experience using the laptop. Everything works as it should, and is somehow just more satisfying.

4) I can see myself keeping this laptop for another 2 or 3 years if I had to (especially with 4Gb onboard), and I'm sure it'll still be a great performer even then. Although that's not to say I wouldn't jump at the chance to buy a new Macbook if the money was available.. although my next priority is to get the boss to spare a couple of thousand to buy me an iMac for the office.. :p

I really can't ever see myself going back to a PC, not unless something very bizarre happened and Apple went insane or something. It's also given me the confidence to buy an iMac or Mac Pro for myself sometime in the future, as I feel that unlike a PC, it will bring years of ownership joy without the constant fear or knowing it'll be obsolete immediately (assuming you don't buy right before a product refresh that is :D )

Once you go Mac, you don't go black... (wait is that right?)
I think the fact that Apple thinks about future upgrades and new technologies that might become available they do their best to make sure there hardware is quality and another good thing is that they hold their price so well.

I have used an iBook and an old style iMac and they still have that 'wow' factor. I am so tempted to get a Mac Mini. (I would prefer a MacBook/MacBookPro but finances!!!!
I use both, I have a MacBook and the thing I like the most is that I know that 20 seconds after I turn it on it's fully booted and in a ready to use state.
So is my Vista machine :D

Even after months of use?

I remember my OS X Tiger, did not format my drive / reinstall at all for over 12 months (before I upgraded to Leopard) - apart from the odd system updates restart which took awhile (especially that QT update in 10.4.9 and the MacBook EFI(?) update which turned my fan to a vacuum speed) all my restarts to fully ready state took under 30seconds from clicking restart.

That was running on Core Duo 2.0GHz, 2GB RAM with a 5,400RPM HDD.

Leopard on the other hand takes about the same time but I've since rarely restart my system (apart from updates and certain apps installation), so can't comment on that yet.
Even after months of use?

Haven't timed it but my Vista installations have never changed boot-up time wise even after months of use, it loads quick and always has.

There's no real reason for the boot-up time to increase unless you get some kinda bloated application cocking stuff up. (Hey Norton!)
Vista has a working S3 suspend to ram state so it boots pretty much instantly. there isn't really any need to turn it off fully if you are going to use it everyday anyways.
I recently jumped from a vista gaming machine beast to my macbook, and to be honest I love the macbook more the vista beast is going soon
I use both :D When one annoys me I switch.

In a "work" enviroment though, I much prefer OS X. Feels more serious than the (fun) toy that is Windows.

Quite the opposite to me. In work, using XP all day and at night using MacBook, about 75% of time in Tiger and the other in XP through BootCamp.

Tiger is used only for browsing the web...
Not quite a year of ownership - but I'm in the 3rd month of macbook ownership and am really happy!

I'm still dissovering things every day which I think is a real plus point!

Its funny 'cos when I go into work, or do work from home - I get stressed out that the machine takes an age to boot into vista (and I quite like vista!) and its only 3 months old...

OS X is a million times more intuitive than Vista - for example burning a cd is an absolute pleasure.. whereas (no joke) it took me about 10 minutes to find the 'burn this cd now' command because vista had 'turned off' my menu bars!

I'm still only learning - but I can honestly say I'm really happy with my mac.. long may it continue!

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