10 Questions

20 Oct 2004

So some lacie has text me asking me to play 'game' with her. Basically she texts me a question and I have to answer it, her first one is Who would you sleep with out of, Pat Butcher, some lacie from work, or Rochen from River City - of course my answer is Pat Butcher.

I need some good questions to ask her.
On a stapler, you have the normal staple indents, then if u switch the base plate round there is a different indent. Whats that one for?

(If you find out let me know please)

On a stapler, you have the normal staple indents, then if u switch the base plate round there is a different indent. Whats that one for?

(If you find out let me know please)


It makes the staples much easier to remove if the prongs go out rather than in. So the other anvil (I believe that's the technical name) is for stapling things that are intended to be together only temporarily. The invention of unstaplers means this is no longer needed.

I remember being asked this a while ago.

You are at a b/f or g/f house and there are other family members there. It is one of the first times you have met the family. Another family member is in the bathroom (so thats not an option), you have a bad stomach and know that there is some wind that needs to be excused. You know it will be of the 'silent but violent' variety.
Do you;
a) Quickly excuse yourself as your phone (which is on silent) is 'ringing'
b) Let it out, not say a word and wait to see if anyone else notices
c) Let it out and straight after be the innocent victim 'Can you smell that?!!'
d) Admit it

Note: this may take up more than 1 text.
Where is my pizza?

A) On the road somewhere around here as the little scooter used to deliver it has been crushed by giant poly baby pram vehicle
B) The rotten foreign student has consumed it as he's stolen it at the end of his shift.
C) Sitting in its box, waiting for it to be possibly (never) delivered in what can only be described as a case of neglect.
D) It doesn't exist, I rang one of my friends beginning with "p" instead of Papa Johns, and the bugger played along.
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