105" projector screen at 25ft away, from seating area, to long?


I'm about 2.5m away from my 110inch screen and you definitely get that "big screen experience" you want from a projector.

7.6m away just seems like a waste...

EDIT: I am interested in your setup that requires you be that far away from the screen though?

My room is 5m long but I split the room in two by putting the sofa in the middle of the room and computer desks behind it. I wouldn't feel bound by the overall dimensions of the room when sitting quite close feels like such a more impressive experience.


(electric screen comes down from the roof in front of the window)
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That's really close!

There are numerous websites with recommended distances using industry "standards", or something akin to that. I think I plugged some numbers in the other day and got a recommended distance of around 14ft for a 100" screen.
I was 4 meters from 120" in my old place - was just about right for 16:9 content. Scope movies could have been a bit bigger tho.

Too far man - sit closer :)
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