1080p issues

25 May 2011
I have a bit of a chain going

AV receiver--------- sound bar-------- darbee------- TV

First hdmi is 20m

Main issue is am having green sparkles all over my screen, mostly showing in darker areas.

I have managed to fix the problem forcing my av receiver to output at 1080i..... Quick search on the net and apparently 1080i for gaming is bad?

Am using ps4 and xbox one.

The thing is am not noticing any difference at all between 1080i and 1080p, is that normal? Both look identical!!
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ive got my pc connected to my amp via a 10m one..and i get this sometimes but mainly green lines...unpluggin it and pluggin it back in fixes it for me
I'm not familiar with the darbee thing but it appears to be an image processor so what happens when you bypass that? Can you put it earlier in the chain?
I have a bit of a chain going

AV receiver--------- sound bar-------- darbee------- TV

First hdmi is 20m

Main issue is am having green sparkles all over my screen, mostly showing in darker areas.

I have managed to fix the problem forcing my av receiver to output at 1080i..... Quick search on the net and apparently 1080i for gaming is bad?

Am using ps4 and xbox one.

The thing is am not noticing any difference at all between 1080i and 1080p, is that normal? Both look identical!!

The sparklies is because the 1080p signal is clipping. More specifically, the HDMI cable isn't providing enough bandwidth to pass the 1080p signal.


The orange lines show the cable's bandwidth ability. The blue/grey polygon is the signal. The higher the resolution of the signal then the bigger the polygon. The lower the bandwidth of the cable then the smaller the area inside where the polygon needs to sit. When the polygon and the orange lines touch that's when you get sparklies.

What you have done by switching to 1080i is to create a smaller polygon. It fits inside the space without touching the orange lines.

The main reason that 1080i is bad for gaming is because it creates additional lag as the TV has to recompose the two parts of the original image to make a progressive frame. The other reason depends on how the console generates the 1080i image. If you see a serrated edge to small objects as they move around the screen then the console is creating interlace errors.

My educated guess is that something in your video chain is producing a bandwidth bottleneck. Your system probably needs to be looked at and set up correctly so that the issue is identified and resolved.
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