1080ti Hall-Of Fame Voltage Curve to 1.3v

18 Oct 2002
Hi 8 Pack,

Is there a way of setting a custom voltage curve with the HOF that goes beyond 1.1volts ?

The Galax tool allows a setting of 1.3 volts but I cannot see a custom voltage curve option.

I have tried Precision XOC and Afterburner (default installs) and neither of them allow me to use the extra voltage - in their default state anyway. I am running under warm liquid cooling.
No curve on the Galax tool sadly.
Hi 8 Pack, will there ever be a curve tool on the Tuner plus or is there another way to control the curve.

I ask because I am currently in a little competition with a friend who has a KPE and although I have so far been able to get a 34k Graphics score on Firestrike using tuner plus thermals are now holding me back as it only allows for a constant 1.3v that i can see and that is very difficult to keep under control even with UK cold weather.

My friend can keep an Idle of 2°c and his voltage climbs with the curve which means so far is able to hit 34.6k as thermals are kept in check, I cannot do this on the Hof with Tuner and as soon as I lift the voltage it's a race against time to start the bench and 'attempt' to keep it cool for the run.

I feel that simply being able to control when the votage increases would significantly help with cooling and of course increasing the score.

If there is anything I can do please let me know if you can.

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