£1200 Gaming PC. Help Required.

16 Oct 2015
Norfolk, ENG
Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I’ve been on here. Still running my build listed in my signature but finally convinced a friend to come over to the PC side of things.

His budget is £1200, doesn’t need peripherals.

Will need OS though.

EDIT: very keen for WiFi as well.

Gaming @ 1080p, maybe 1440p if possible.

Some help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Not exactly best time to build PC now.
Memory prices have been rising for couple years (about tripled) thanks to memory chip maker cartel and lately also graphics card prices have increased lot.

Also AMD is upgrading Zen CPUs in couple months.
Though not that current ones are bad for their pricing and current socket is going to be used to 2020.
So it would be possible upgrade CPU to Zen2 architecture based with more than minor improvements.

Anyway assuming you can help friend in future upgrades it would be best to make sure parts which can be used for long time are good ones.
Good PSUs have 10 year warranty which tells something about how long you can expect to be able to use them.
(Seasonic Focus Plus also very well priced)

Also case is another part which doesn't really wear/become technically old.
So what kind case your friend would like?
Bling bling decorated or more modest styling?
And would it be good for case to be able dampen some of the noises of components or is "collection of holes" wanted?
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Updated... Gtx 1070 Ti!!

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,188.62 (includes shipping: £11.70)​
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