£1200 Laptop for 4k video editing

23 Aug 2013
Heading out to Canada again this winter season and landed myself a part time job creating and editing video content for a ski resort. Looking for a work horse of a laptop that's going to handle high quality video editing (4k) with relative ease. What should I be looking out for?
Heading out to Canada again this winter season and landed myself a part time job creating and editing video content for a ski resort. Looking for a work horse of a laptop that's going to handle high quality video editing (4k) with relative ease. What should I be looking out for?

I'm sure Ryzen based laptops are out soon ? Killer for video editing will all those threads for 4k editing
had a look at what OCUK had to offer at your top end price

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £2,361.04
(includes shipping: £11.10)

15" vs 17" but both packing i7 7700HQ processors - no idea when 6 core coffee will come out but don't think this side of xmas as it was a bit of a rush

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