120G ipod classic

5 Jan 2008
Bought this a few weeks back and I have noticed a few times that when I listen to specific songs it hangs for a few seconds then goes to the next one...

I also think I hear a slight click...

Bad sectors? anything I can do about this? :(
I had a similar problem just after mine was new, but a restore in itunes sorted it out and never had the problem again in a year gone by now. as above the clicking is normal :)
The clicking could be because the tracks were ripped on a machine with no/poor error correction.

Although, worst case scenario.. the clicks are the hard drive slowly dying.
The track get skipped along with a clicking sound, the files are ripped fine and have worked without a problem on another ipod.

I will restore it when I get a chance to this week sometime.

Thanks for the advice.
This is caused by the iPod waiting for it's hard disk to spin up again to cache the next few tracks.
This can sometimes be heard in the earphones.

A restore and update to latest firmware would make sense, as a firmware update might have fixed this.
This happened to mine, a restore worked at first but there was still one track that would skip after 15 seconds. Had to get a new version of the song in the end.
Yea that happens to my 1st Gen iPod Mini, every now and then I get a song that just cuts off- as said, I fix it by restoring the iPod and resyncing music.

Not a big deal on a 4GB iPod, but I could imagine this to be a pain on a bigger player...
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