125cc choice help

19 Aug 2004
Right so my plan is to get a 125 and use it for a year or so to get used to biking and such then do the DAS, but i can't decide which bike would be right for me. The four main ones I'm thinking of are the yamaha's ybr & yzf and the Honda's cbr & cbf now the thing is I'm about 6ft1 and round about 15st so I'm thinking I might look silly on the little bikes. I did my cbt on the ybr and my legs felt cramped on it. I would like a varadero but finding one in budget within a reasonable distance is proving hard.

I quite like the super motor style bikes but most seem to be Chinese stuff. The trouble is I only want to spend up to £1500 on one but I'm wanting to use it to commute and have some runs out on so I was hoping to get something that would at least do nsl duel carageway speed or cruise at around 60-65, I know 125cc's will stuggle.

Any ideas which route would be best, and yes I know it would be Easyer to do the das but I feel I would benefit having a year or so on the smaller bikes first.

Thanks ;)
Been looking at the derbi bikes mainly the terra and the drd supermoto but wasn't sure of the build quality plus they seem to be going for more than I want to spend
Right ive decided on the Varadero as it fits me better, but was just wondering wheres the best place to look for insurance. Just do it the same as a car and use the comparison sites? Been looking around and im getting quotes of around £110 for the varadero but the cbr jumps up to £250 so it looks like the sporty styles are deffinatley out
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