Right il say this then im off..
The CPU arrived..it went into the board and i tryed it with a few game titles GTA V, Witcher 3,Wings Over Flanders Fields (which is CPU intensive)and CTD,D twice in 15 minutes etc..it "seemed" to me at least not right. I looked at the bios and the CPU looked fine in there (stock clock) checked CPUZ and again no problems..so i ran Firestrike and the physics score was on par with the i5 4670k (just over 6000) i stress tested with Prime and i got Crashes,the CPU was running quite warm so at 1st i thought it was my cooling( Corsair) but after testing that was working fine so thinking it could be possibly ram i took both ram and CPU to a friends we tested the ram 1st no issues were encountered,we tested the CPU at STOCK and guess what yep issues..so i grabbed a new CPU and guess what? no issues perfect..Firestrike physics at over 12000 and no crashes when testing with Prime or any other titles il say this now i NEVER tried any overclocking with the "other" Cpu or this one my new CPU is at STOCK clock and its staying that way,so i dont know if the 1st 1 would have overclocked better or not because it was never tested
I asked a simple question by starting this thread and get grief for it??
Haha and where in my Cpu upgrade thread did "Most people say it wasn,t a worthwhile upgrade"? Whats that thread got to do with this one?? In fact im glad i made the upgrade because i can see there is a difference in game playing.. Your really just picking arnt you
I work hard for my money, damn hard if i choose to upgrade from a i5 to a i7 then thats MY choice i did it because i didnt want to upgrade my ram motherboard or anything else,just my Cpu..ive asked for advice on this forum before and got a lot of really good helpful advice,but this this is unbelievable..judged by people who knew nothing about what was happening with my rig. Ive spent a small fortune at overclockers in the last few months.. ive bought a gaming chair,ram,GPU..and im currently saving for a VR Vive headset at nearly £770. But because i have an issue with a CPU and have to send it back i get "Knocked" unbelievable.
I actually wasn,t going to write this post because i dont have to justify myself to anybody but im glad i have, next time please dont judge before you know the facts. OCUK were brilliant in the RMA issue and the new chip i received is perfect. Now im no expert i dont know why the 1st cpu behaved the way it did,i also thought that there,s something else wrong with my system i really did,but luckily for me there isn,t. Ive had 4 previous cpu,s going back over the years and ive never had an issue with them,but this one for whatever reason i did.
Like i said previously thank you to everybody for the helpful advice its much appreciated.
@Caracus do me a favor pal? next time i ask for advice (if i do) if its not helpful to me ..dont bother because you seem to see what you want to see and believe what you want to believe. Yes i should have explained better but you still judged and your assumptions were still way off the mark. I NEVER attempted to OC the cpu and i have,nt attempted to OC this one,im more than happy at stock clocks. Besides all this i still wish you a good day mate.
@Geck0 i never even tried hitting any clocks,i knew something wasnt right after playing some AAA game titles (GPU and CPU intensive). Im the type of customer you DONT want to attract? Maybe your a bit angry because you dont have a 14 day RMA option in Oz? or do you? No it wasnt the wrong colour ,or the box was a bit "Wonky". And to suggest that id send a cpu back for them issues is wrong pal. Again have a good day
Maybe im at fault for not explaining what was going on at the opening thread title? If so i apologize but when i started the thread i was in a rush and so just posted a quick question.
I would NEVER abuse the 14 day RMA option because i truly respect OCUK. I live less than 2 miles from them i was down the other week for the fantastic Vive demo. And thats why im saving for one Its a good job i dont work there all my wages would be spent in store
Anyway ive ranted long enough. I hope my explaination can put all this to bed,and tbh i shouldn,t have to post all this on here to justify my decision to RMA a cpu? Have a good day guys