14 Way Consumer Unit (Think its 16th Regs)

8 May 2013
Bought this 14 Way Consumer Unit on offer in June for £19.60


It has a 100A Isolator, 80A RCD and 12 X Type B MCBs, would I be able to make this 17th Regs compliant by simply adding another 80A RCD?
In a Wickes near me, in August they had consumer units which were 16th edition & dirt cheap, & further along the shelf were 17th Edition versions on offer for £15.99, a 12 Way Split load consumer unit.:eek:
In a Wickes near me, in August they had consumer units which were 16th edition & dirt cheap, & further along the shelf were 17th Edition versions on offer for £15.99, a 12 Way Split load consumer unit.:eek:

Yeah all the 12 Way Splits were sold out by the time I got there, hence for this thread :)
Converting 16th to 'real' 17th you would be short a neutral bar and the internal tails for taking power to the 2nd RCD. (could use a floating neutral bar and buy some tails but its not overly pro) would also reduce the 14ways down.

Could also not use the main swith and use a 2nd RCD with 2 sets of tails into the top of the first RCD, not recommended either (and may cause trips never tried it)

Best to do 16th + RCBO's but this will cost more than just buying a dual RCD 17th board

Ps. buy something decent a few extra quid for something that is going to be in constant use for 20 years is worth it, even if just for the fact of being able to get spares. but i would buy a few spares now just in case, spare RCDs and spare MCBs especially 6A or just buy 2 kits then you can strip it for parts when needed.
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