1440p and a 4k dual monitor.

11 Nov 2009
Hey guys I've picked up an asus pg279q as my gaming monitor and Im looking for a reference monitor for browsing, YouTube etc.
I was looking at the Asus pb287q which is a 4k monitor as my secondary. I'm just wondering how these two will work together in terms resolution differences, 4k scaling on w10, moving the cursor from one screen to the other, two 1440ps better? I will also be working during the day using both monitors.
How will the 1080ti manage also?
Cheers guys
I have a 28" 4K Samsung and a 24" 4K Dell and a 24" 1200p Dell and I have no problems with scaling. Both the Dells are in portrait mode, so the mouse can appear to get trapped but it's not really a problem.
Windows 10 works fine. It changes the scaling as you move an item from one monitor to another. Obviously there is a bit of a clunk when it re-scales according to the different monitor. Of course depending how you have the scaling and the size of the stuff you are moving about may occupy more screen on one monitor than the other, and that tends to be a bit strange. It's better to try to get stuff to stay physically the same size when you move it from one to the other, but really it's not too bad once you are used to it.
The ti will be absolutely fine. A second monitor places just about no load on the GPU at all. Only if you try to play games on both at the same time will your performance collapse.
I have run dual monitors ever since the idea first appeared! When you are gaming it's amazingly useful to have a second monitor for youtube and or talking to other people or whatever. You normally just have to run the game in full-screen windowed mode and then you can painlessly wander between the two monitors.
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