1440P with less recent games...

26 Jul 2015
Hi all

I am amazed at how amazing 1440P gaming is, being used to 1080P on PS4 and my previous PC build. I am playing games like The Witcher 3, Crysis 3 and GTA5.

I want to go back to some slightly older games that have been released within the last 3-5 years and play them at 1440P. Any recommendations?

In my backlog I have Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider and Battlefield 3.

Pretty much every good game then, so portal, sanctum, witcher 2, skyrim, sniper elite.

There's loads about depending on what your into, if you like strategy try civ 5, if you like racing then dirt rally is the current big thing in driving games, if you like sim games personally i'm a massive fan of kerbal space program (one of those 'look at the clock and wonder where the past 5 hours went' kind of games)
Thanks for the suggestions! I have been playing Portal 2 and Left for Dead 2 and like 140 FPS it's crazy!

Most of my time however has been eaten by Rocket League!
You can try playing quite a few titles released in recent years with impressive graphics. To name a few BF4, Farcry4, thief, grid autosport, sniper elite 3, tomb raider, AC unity, AC Black flag, etc.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is also worth a shot for beer change as its hands down the best looking game I've ever played, its short but very atmospheric and the story is great

It's a bit of a walking simulator though so beware if thats not your thing.
Ryse: son of Rome is another graphics intensive game. May not be most fun to play but you can just see your gpu sweating a bit under its demanding graphics.
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