144hz monitor

19 Apr 2017
hello lads i have a 60hz monitor and i like to have vsync off in games but this inputs screen tearing. I was wandering if i buy a 144hz monitor will this eliminate screen tearing if my fps doesnt go over the monitor refresh rate?
You'll get tearing whenever you have sync off and the fps output doesn't match the monitor's refresh rate exactly, so I suspect what you need is gsync/freesync :)
144 significantly reduce tearing for me, even not switching on GSYNC.
One thing to mention on my old 660ti i could get only 120hz from mine 165 Gsync monitor. There's a noticeable difference compared 75hz to 120hz and 120hz to 144ghz/165hz
I believe everything faster/newer 980ti will go higher 120hz (144,165 and 200).
You'll get tearing whenever you have sync off and the fps output doesn't match the monitor's refresh rate exactly, so I suspect what you need is gsync/freesync :)
Correct. The visual effect of tearing is reduced at 144 Hz but still visible so if it annoys you as much as me, you definitely want GSync or FreeSync.
Well go into the Nvidia control panel and under manage 3d settings change vertical sync to fast if its available.

I use G-SYNC and Fast sync together and there is no tearing when frames go above 144hz.
When i go into nvidia panel and put it on Fast sync do i have to enable vsync in the game settings aswell for it to work?
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