15 million gigabytes of data

13 Jan 2005
Thats how much the Large Hadron Collider will produce every single year. :eek:

It seems that they've just started testing the computer grid that will process it all, and got a throughput of 8 gigbits per second.

Mind you, I overclocked my Spectrum 48k to manage twice that.
Andr3w said:
Large Hadron Collider, explain?
proton-proton collider at CERN. Its large, and it collides hadrons :)

One of the many goals is to create the ellusive Higgs particle by smashing particles together at high enough energies that equal the predicted Higgs mass.
I used some (much smaller scale) stuff for part of my MSc thesis - firing neutrons at Pb nuclei to measure the differential cross-section.

Sounds cool, but was quite tedious.
Visage said:
Sounds cool, but was quite tedious.

Do you want to put money on it? ;) :D

It is a lot of data to produce, how long do they estimate it will take to process it though?

Doesn't matter if you can produce all that data if you don't have some way of processing and presenting it in a timely fashion it would appear to be of less use.

unless of course they are just wanting to make everyone else in the same field really jelous then I am sure it is working really well! ;)
MATTeL said:
Do you want to put money on it? ;) :D

It is a lot of data to produce, how long do they estimate it will take to process it though?

Doesn't matter if you can produce all that data if you don't have some way of processing and presenting it in a timely fashion it would appear to be of less use.

unless of course they are just wanting to make everyone else in the same field really jelous then I am sure it is working really well! ;)
Aren't they doing something similar to seti (Distributed computing)?.. Infact, I'm positive of it! http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=3985628&postcount=10
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Ya know we do have units for this - ~14 Petabytes - but I guess the word MILLIONSlOL grabs Average Joe's attention.

Gotta love the world :)

Truly astounding amount of data to manage though, let alone analyse in fine detail :eek:
Borris said:
They might discover a new particle. The pr0n.

Only reason for having big pooters.

quoted for truth right there... everyone know this is going to happen :)

although i dont know much about european isp's but i assume they wouldn't be able to keep up :D
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