$15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO fraud exposed in UK House of Lords

Any chance of a run down?

This is from the video description:

Lord James of Blackheath has spoken in the House of Lords holding evidence of three transactions of 5 Trillion each and a transaction of 750,000 metric tonnes of gold and has called for an investigation.

I think there are three possible conclusions that may come from it. I think there may have been a massive piece of money laundering committed by a major government which ought to know better and that it has effectively undermined the integrity of the British bank the Royal Bank of Scotland, in doing so. The second alternative is that a major American department has an agency that has gone rogue on it because it has been wound up and has created a structure out of which they are seeking to get at least 50 billion Euros as a payoff. And the third possibility is that this is an extraordinarily elaborate fraud which has not been carried out but which has been prepared in order to provide a threat to one government or more if they don't pay them off. So there are three possibilities and this all needs a very urgent review.
watche that and still none the wiser.

so theres 15 trillion sloshing about our banks. erm 15trillion i'm sure the interest in that in a year would wipe out our national debt.
watche that and still none the wiser.

so theres 15 trillion sloshing about our banks. erm 15trillion i'm sure the interest in that in a year would wipe out our national debt.

thats the killer there is no interest being made and it came out of thin air/forgery/scam
Why? Because he has exposed to financial scams
If you mean scams by exposing a "This is the Bank of Nigeria - I have $15trillion ready to deposit in your bank account" then yes he has exposed a scam.

But if you mean that he really thinks this happened and that he has some how scooped the major nations press and exposed a financial scam of truely epic proportions, then I suspect he is in reality part of the tin foil hat brigade.
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