£150 for Speakers and Soundcard

26 Mar 2006
I got my birthday coming up and I decided I want new speakers.

I play COD2 a lot and also listen to some Heavy Metal and Indie rock.

What is the best Speakers and PCI soundcard to get with £150?

I firstly reccomend spending the most money on the speakers, and less on the soundcard. An Audigy 2 will be fine if you can find one around, and will leave with enough cash for a decent speaker set. I'm not sure what to reccomend though, you want 2.1, 5.1?
Can't help on the speakers, but another vote for an Audigy2 soundcard (or Audigy4 if you can't find one) here, for ~£30-35.

With that kind of budget, your going to want to put as much money into the speakers as possible. The Audigy2/4 is a real steal at that price, and only slightly lower than the X-Fi. yet significantly cheaper.
I guess the Logitech Z-5400 would be a good choice then. It doesn't leave a huge amount for the soundcard, but like I say, the Audigy 2 will be a massive upgrade from what you have and is available second hand for around £15!
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