£150- new compact/bridge or second hand DSLR?

12 May 2011
I'm thinking of getting a camera in the sales. I originally was looking at bridges cameras but they just seem to be p&s camera with stupid zooms that they won't even be able to use fully...?

Something like this or this.

So then I thought of getting a second hand DSLR base + lens jobbie from the London Camera Exchange or similar. Something like this or this.

I see the base units in my price range of £100 (assuming 50 is enough for a lense?? I don't know what lenses are compatible! But the lenses seem to be £20 and up...) are pretty old- 2003/4/5 and I'm wondering if these are too old really and will be bettered by the auto-everything modern P&S cameras above?

I really want some/all manual settings to play around with. But this would be my first DSLR.

So... err... any advice?
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