1500-1700 prebuilt pc

9 Jul 2020
Hi im looking for advice for a prebuilt pc for purely gaming, i dont know much about parts but i would like it to have 32gig of ram, ive heard i7 is better than i9 for gaming? And obviously a top end gcard.. end help on prebuilt systems would be great... also looking for a 144hz monitor to go with (not included in the budget)
What are your thoughts on building your own PC? You'll get much better quality components for the money. Great fun too ;)
1. Now is super bad time to buy PC if you want long lasting performance giving graphics card.
Performance per price is horrible in current cards, if you want something not falling behind next-gen consoles.​

2. Intel doesn't have any i7's which would be really future proof for maximum usage life without upgrades.
Next-gen consoles will bring 8 core/16 thread as base level for next-gen games.
And there are already games scaling to 12 cores:
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