£1500 gaming pc

23 Jun 2014
Hello guys , ive been researching about gaming pc and some of the components etc and i would like to ask some questions and require some of your help :)

First of all would u say building a computer by buying parts which is cheaper better than buying a custom built computer from overclockers pc ?

2) Does all the parts come with any sort of warranty ? like 1 year -3 year replacement and such ?

3) I got a budget of 1.5k , and would like to know which is a good build. If its going to be a custom built computer , then i would like it to have 36 months warranty as well as a monitor - (It doesnt have to be perfect or good ) I want to play games such as fifa , bf4 , watch dogs and more. I would also be doing Photoshop and After effects/Sony vegas (Not a pro though :( )

4) If its going to be in parts i would like a monitor included and also want to know if i can do a 1 -3 years warranty on the parts or the system.

I would like the pc to be quiet as possible and would like to have a good cooling , prefer liquid or even water if needed is fine.

Last one :) if i get a custom built pc , would warranty help me replace it if any parts are not working or i have accidently did something to the pc ?

Well , Im sorry its so much question :( im new to Overclockers xD and im thinking to purchase my first gaming pc here as it seems a reliable and a good company.

Thanks ^^ - Have a nice day.

P.S - Also , it would be nice if you guys built me a custom pc or gimme some specs where the motherboard has slot for 2 or more grpahics card and 4 or 8 slots for ram as i will be upgrading them probably 4-6 months after i have bought the new pc or bought the parts to build my own one which ever one is better will do ^^.
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Hello guys :) Thanks for suggestion and builds :D and "lee" yes im looking for 1080p monitor and windows :) and yes i would like to add more ram and gpu in the future ^^.

Btw from my understanding , if i decide to build my own one , i have little warranty on parts where if i buy a prebuilt one i can get up to 36 months of warranty ?

and also i see there are type of bundles , are they worth it ? like for example , are they used or are they new ? also are they much cheaper den buying lyk ram and umm say motherboard differently.

Thanks , i appreciate your help very much :)
Wow , thanks for your help guys :) and ye i think they do , and i think i will be swapping it to a gtx as Photoshop and video editing has some 3d features and nvidea might aid me with that more than amd. and Yea im not really sure if i can make the pc clean as possible xD but thanks for your help , i really appreciate it.
Hello again guys , do u guys think i will be able to play bf4 or some other game at high or ultra settings with £1000-1500 budget gaming build ?.

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