15m HDMI Cable

16 Apr 2007
Hi all,

I am looking to pass a HDMI cable through a wall, up the ceiling, over the ceiling, and down another wall. It's from my PC to my TV.

I've decided on getting around 15m - It's probably a little bit overkill, but I figure it's better to be too long than too short :p

It will mainly be used for Gaming and Movies, so would like to get 4K over.

Is it OK to just buy an Rainforest Basic cable for this sort of job?

Oh wow, I'm so glad I asked before purchasing! I had no idea I would need to go for a fibre cable - Thanks a lot for all your help, I will take a look at getting a 15m fibre HDMI cable for this.

Quick question... I see that you have ethernet through HDMI... I suspect this is impossible, but is it possible for my router to connect to my TV, connect my PC to my TV through HDMI and share the ethernet connection to my PC?
the, linked avforums thread, also reffed in earlier oc threads, still recommends the ruipro , but £130 ... uk distributor & lifetime warranty (albeit 5 years might be the most you'd want)
choice, between that and £52 probably depends on how much of the 18Gb/s you will really be exploiting....

you cannot buy a flatter/shorter cable with floor protectors ?
also, for wall routing I'd take care you do not put acble through tight radius curves, the ruipro and £52one, must specify turn radius somewhere.

I’m actually starting to go down a different route regarding routing through the walls and ceiling... There is a small wooden corner piece along the floor on top of the wall trim, and I have wondered about replacing it with a small white trim and run the cables through that. It would involve 2 x 90 degree angles, but according to the description on the £52 cable, that should be fine.
I use a fibre optic one into a HDMI switch. Little bit pricey, but does what I need as works no issues with 10bit UHD Sky, PS4 etc. Got the switch on Amazon, but the cable off of ebay for half the price. Mine also runs round corners with bends etc. Cable is very versatile and also a lot slimmer that it will fit in d-line micro trunking if you needed to use that.



Thanks for your comment Simmz, and for the trust email, very helpful. The D-Line trunking was actually the stuff I was looking at - looks very discrete :)
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